Parent Involvement
"The child has a different relation to his environment from ours… the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself the world about him that his eyes see and his ears hear.”
Maria Montessori
Adults do not become mature parents all at once; they develop over time through intimate interaction with their child and with others in the family and community. Maria Montessori School is committed to assisting parents in their development through a respectful relationship that recognizes the uniqueness of our families.
A number of meetings are planned each year to provide parents with specific information about child development, Montessori principles and educational methods. Many of these are individual class meetings; others bring together parents from various classes and levels. Meetings designed to explore individual aspects of the curriculum help parents to understand not only what their children are doing, but also why. Opportunities for hands-on exploration of materials enliven the teacher's presentation. In addition to these presentations, throughout the year the school hosts workshops and lectures offered by external guest, well known and appreciated for their activity in the Montessori community.
Parent Group
Maria Montessori School’s Parent Group mandate is twofold: firstly to promote increased parent knowledge of the Montessori philosophy and secondly to enhance the feeling of community between families. The Parent Group is open to all parents at the school.
The Parent Group plays an important role by:
Promoting educational workshops and events presented by staff members or guests.
Promoting Montessori conferences and lectures held in the greater Montessori Community.
Being responsible for the Parent Lending & Media Library and by helping parents choose appropriate materials.
Developing a strong sense of community amongst the parents and between parents and staff through regular social events.
A number of social events are organized throughout the school year with the intent of bringing parents closer to each other and by associating with staff in an informal, amiable setting.
Some of these social activities are: Coffee Mornings, Party in the Park, Winter Social, End of School Year Picnic.
One of the most valuable contributions that families make is their time and expertise. An open invitation is extended to all parents to participate in the Parent Group activities during the school year. We rely on parent involvement for our events to succeed.