Enrolment Policies

Enrolment is Based on Complete Cycles of Development

     It is the school's policy to enroll children based upon the developmental stages established by Dr. Montessori. It was her observation that development in the human being falls into four "planes", each of which has its own particular characteristics. Classes, therefore, are structured and grouped not simply by chronological age but according to similar developmental needs. These developmental stages, fall roughly into six year cycles and may be further sub-divided into three year periods.

     Children are enrolled at the school based on the parent's commitment to having the child complete the "full cycle" of the program. The Young Children’s Community being for children from approximtely eighteen months to two and a half years, the Casa program being from two and a half to six years and the Elementary from six through twelve years. 

Please note:

  •  children are only enrolled in the Young Children’s Community as part of a commitment to completion of the Casa program.
  • the school is committed to providing a complete Montessori program: two and three day programs are not offered for sound pedagogical reasons.


Because Montessori values each child's uniqueness, Maria Montessori School accepts and places students according to readiness, not age: the aim being to provide the child with the most appropriate learning environment.

  • The Young Children's Community accepts children who are between 18 and 20 months of age and display steady walking skills. At this level the program guide will also meet with the parent and child to help determine readiness.
  • Readiness at the Casa level is generally seen between 2.5 and 4 years of age and is determined by language expression, level of independence, social awareness and self-motivation. Children are not admitted after 4  years of age. Toilet learning is a prerequisite for Casa enrollment.
  • At the Elementary level readiness is determined primarily by the exhibition of the characteristics of the second plane child.

Admitting New Students

     Although the school usually admits the majority of new students at the start of the school year, we always try to admit the child at the optimum stage of readiness. Because developmental changes occur rapidly in young children, we also accept new children in January and endeavour to maintain a flexible acceptance timeline throughout the year. Mid-term placements are also possible when appropriate.

       New students are accepted, according to spaces available, on a "first-come, first-served” basis. Siblings of current or former students are given priority admission.

September and January Integration of New Children

     To facilitate a smooth transition, starting dates for new children in the Toddler and Casa classes are staggered over a two week period.   You will be notified of your child’s exact start date prior to the beginning of the school year. 

Maria Montessori School is approved for Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC)  funding. The CWELCC program,  initiated and funded by the Government of Canada, is a five-year plan that will significantly reduce the cost of early childhood education. The School applauds  all levels of government in taking this initiative as it will allow access to the benefits of high quality Montessori education by many more families.

Practical implementation of the program is still under development. Please contact the school for specific fee information.

416 423-9123 
  125 Brentcliffe Rd., Toronto, Ontario. M4G 3Y7